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UL changes logo...
The following is condensed from a UL-O-GRAM
dated 12-15-97...
UL introduces new logos with combined Mark for Canada and the
United States...and a bolder Mark for UL Listed/Classified products.
Ten Year grace period...
Effective January 5, 1998 Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) is effecting a
change in their logo. New customers will be required to put the
new logos into place immediately while existing customers will have a
10 year period in which to do so (although UL recommends changing as soon
as possible).
For more information, contact...
UL is offering literature entitled "Show the UL Mark" that shows
the new logos with notes of explanation on where to use them. The
UL contact for this is Danica Walker at the Northbrook, IL location.
Ms. Walker can be reached at 847.272.8800 ext.43731, by fax at 847.509.6235
or by email at
Does not effect all logos...
UL's individual Recognized Component Mark and Registered Firm Mark are
not effected by this change, and remain the same as before.
Major Mark changes...
The thickness of the circle around the UL has been increased so that it
is the same as the U and L inside. Also, the c (signifying testing
to Canadian standards) has been moved to the 8 o'clock position with US
placed at the 4 o'clock position.
The new logos are as follows (remove the 8 o'clock "c" for U.S.
only marks):
